Almost Perfect Auto

The only consumer vehicle listing site with up to date independent third-party condition information on EVERY vehicle listed.

Car Dealer Advertising & Inventory Data Feeds

Free Listings For Your Vehicles

By Tom Catuosco

Are you a car a dealer looking for new places to advertise your vehicles for sale? Would you like it if this advertising didn’t cost you anything? Then welcome to We’re an online classified website that is free to use - not just free to the general public, but free for car dealers to post vehicles for sale, too. Just because you’re in business selling cars, we won’t treat you like a second class citizen and charge you 5 bucks an ad like some other classified sites. lets you post ads for cars (and other vehicles) that include detailed descriptions, relevant info such as make, model, VIN, etc...your dealership’s contact info, location, and up to 30 photos per listing.

How many car listings can you create? lets you post as many free card ads as you’d like, as long as they’re not duplicate ads. So, if you have 100 different cars for sale, feel free to post a hundred different ads.

Your car for sale ads will be seen by people browsing and searching our site, as well as people who find the ads on major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These major search engines routinely index your classified ad listings which gives your dealership great SEO value.

Ready to get started? Click HERE to create free ads for your cars.

If that all sounds great to you, but you don’t have time spend to posting multiple ads and keeping up with them while doing everything else running a car dealership demands, ask us about our automatic inventory listing feeds. We accept XML feeds as well as other types of feeds to make posting fast and hassle free.

If you already have a website with your dealership’s inventory on it, chances are it can be easily and automatically exported to our website. Once it’s setup, you wouldn’t have to do anything different than you’re already doing and your listings will automatically be posted and updated on our site. Click HERE to learn about sending us your dealership's inventory feed.
You can also give us a call
(201) 252-7623 (ROAD) or shoot us an email at to find out about getting your listings automatically sent to

About Condition Now

Our nationwide network of inspectors have years of experience determining evidence of previous repairs using our proprietary procedure specifically designed to ensure accuracy They employ both a trained eye and the latest paint metering technology to give you the most accurate and objective previous repair report available.

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Almost Perfect Auto
The preowned vehicles on this site have been professionally inspected to help you find the perfect car for YOU. is dedicated to helping you the consumer find the vehicle you want at the best possible value. We do this not by some computer-generated pricing algorithm but by highlighting actual vehicles with only minor or in many cases no damage at all.